25. März 2022- 23. April 2022 

Forum für Deutsch-Indische Völkerverständigung e.V. in association with Consulate General of India Hamburg is delighted to present Vernissage „UNCONTROLLED LINE“ by Arup J. Paul and Theresa Gößmann with Live Art & Music Performance by Hendirik Schaper, Asim Saha and Shabbir Khan on 25th March 2022 at Hamburger Hof Passage, Hamburg. The details of the event are given below


1800 hrs: Arrival and Entry of Guests
1900 hrs: Word of Welcome by Mr. John H. Ruolngul, Consul General of India in Hamburg)
1930 hrs: Live Art Music Performance: Asim Saha & United Friends feat. Arup J. Paul and Hendrik Schaper,  Vocals: Shabbir Khan

Exhibition: 25/03/2022 – 23/04/2022

Venue: Hamburger Hof Passage | Jungfernstieg 26-28 | 20354 Hamburg

Info: Within the framework of the open studios, Theresa Gößmann gives insights into the artistic process of her drawings, paintings, prints, collages, ceramics, and photographs. Hamburg-based Indian artist Arup J. Paul opens his new exhibition “Uncontrolled Lines” with a special live art music performance. He will paint live to the music of the Indo-German fusion band Asim Saha & United Friends. This time Hendrik Schaper is part of the band.  He has been arranging and composing for over 40 years songs for the world star Udo Lindenberg. Asim Saha is very well known for the band Tri Atma. The two artists are part of the initiative FreiFLäche by the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft which helps creative people to get affordable spaces.

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