20. September 2022- 21. September 2022 

‘The world has quite successfully survived, then revived and now thrived by finding opportunities in the recent disruptions. With it came a sense of urgency to ideate, improvise and innovate, to nurture new economic models and partnerships to ‘reimagine the world’. This transformation was driven by technology led innovations transcending space and time, leading to cross fertilization of knowledge and ideas at a never-before pace.

Global leaders continue to strive for excellence to make their business resilient and adaptable in an environment where change is the only constant. They look at future global partnerships, through the prism of sustainability and gender diversity.

In this backdrop, FICCI is organising LEADS 2022 – ‘Leadership for Future’, a FICCI global Thought Leadership initiative. It will see a confluence of global leaders, and opinion shapers across the spectrum of world economy. Over two days, they will share their vision on reimagining the world through the 5 pillars of LEADS: Leadership, Excellence, Adaptability, Diversity & Sustainability

We look forward to welcoming you on September 20 – 21, 2022 at New Delhi.’



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